

  Welcome to Interesting Literature

  Here you'll find fun facts, interesting research into writers and their works. and blog posts which seek to learn about the most fascinating aspects of the literary worid. So pull up a chair at thisⅵ virtual(虚拟的) library full of literary wonders. and begin searching for books you are interested in!

  ( About Interesting Literature Interesting Literature was set up in 2012 by Dr Oliver Tearle The aim is simple:to uncover the little-known interesting facts about the world of books, and to shine a Hght on some of the more curious aspects of literature. Looked at in the right way, every novel, play poem, Short story and author is interesting.

  The Inflnence of Interesting Literature Since it was founded in 2012, our blog has attracted readers from all over the world We currently have over 23 000 subscribers, over 110, 000 followers on Twitter, and over 5.000

  fans on Facebook. In 2017 Interesting Literature had nearly 3 million visitors. It has b quoted in many famous newspapers and has been used by various schools and universities around the world If you've found our articles useful at all, please do let us know by contac ting us (either at the email address below or on Twitter)
